I finally got caught up in school work. I think I passed my sociology test, which is amazing considering how behind I was in that class. Needless to say, it was a huge weight off my shoulders.
Work has been so stressful. Not because i'm busy or anything but because of the payroll cuts and this whole sexual harassment thing going on. (It's a long story). So I decided to quit. Now, I just have to deal with the stress of applying at new places. My parents are not happy that I may be jobless for a little while, but they don't understand why I need to get away from this job. It's self-destructive.
Finally, I went to another concert. Same one, just in Chicago this time. Going there and meeting all the band members again and just listening to amazing music made me realize I needed to change my major. I haven't been passionate about creative writing in such a long time. In reality, the last time I wrote a story was probably freshman year of high school. Thus, Music Business is my new major. I don't have to make a sound decision until I transfer and finish my gen eds, but i'm pretty sure i'm going to stick with it and go to Elmhurst College or Columbia College in Chicago. I'm really excited about this, and surprisingly everyone's been really supportive towards it :)
So that's basically my update.
Oh, and i'm getting a tattoo that says, "I want to live, not just survive"
It's based on this song...